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Approach Harmonic mappings via conservation law h
作者:      发布时间:2022-04-15       点击数:
报告时间 2022-4-19 14:00-18:00 报告地点 939-445-288
报告人 向长林

报告名称:Approach Harmonic mappings via conservation law h



报告时间:2022-4-19 14:00-18:00



报告摘要:This talkis a brief summary of the method of conservation law and its applications to geometric PDEs. In particular, I will discuss the great discovery of conservation law by Riviere (2007) for two dimensional conformally invariant variational problems, which allows him to answer two longstanding conjectures, and which also largely extend the famous conservation law of Shatah for harmonic mappings. Related generalizations and open problems to Riviere’s conservation law will also be presented in the end of the talk.

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